My Rose Bouquet

What a great way to start off the new year! Loads of plants with blooms starting to bloom! I have dozens of plants that I've been waiting to bloom, some since spring. Now it seems that a lot of them are ripe at the same time. But there is always one that you have your heart set on and can't wait until it blooms. And that one for me is Rose Bouquet. I've heard some say it's difficult to grow but that's not how I see it.

I expect a lot out of this little plant. I had to bid more for this one plant than any other plant I have. I wanted one pretty bad and at the time, I kept getting outbid and winter was closing in fast so my chances were getting pretty slim for getting one this year (I mean last year). Can you say desperate? I paid way too much for it so I have to try to make it work for me.

And now that I finally have it. I could grow nothing but Rose Bouquet and Watermelon Snow and still be happy. That's how much I love this plant! OK, well I might have to have a couple more varieties just for funzies...

Who wouldn't love a flower that looks like a rose, blooms year round and doesn't have any thorns? I love my minis and space violets too but there is something special about the Rose Bouquet violet. I just had to have one. I can hardly wait to see it in full bloom. Be still my heart!

Guess what? I put down a leaf so there will be more and maybe someday - one of them will sport a Watermelon Snow. YIPPEE!


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