Spotlight On Jolly Cupid

I recently discovered the joys of miniature violets and now I'm hooked. My most recent addition is the ever cute Jolly Cupid.

I "accidentally" won a bid on this little jewel and thought I would see if I liked raising them too. I do have a lot of miniatures put down as leaves and plantlets, but this is my second full grown mini and it's in bloom! I fell in love!

What I have learned about minis is that they require a little different food than standards. I use an Optimara 7-9-5 food that is dropped into their water. They have a little different requirements for care too. They need to be checked on more frequently because their pots are smaller and the water evaporated quicker. I don't like to wick water but a lot of people do.

I guess I'm just in love with violets period! I love them all. They are the perfect hobby plant. Minis take up a lot less room than standards so you can grow more of them. They are easy to get hooked on because they look like little jewels! And who doesn't like jewels?


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