What Happened???

When I bought this violet, Michele, it was light pink with purple edges. It was very pretty, that's why I bought it. I didn't have one in my collection like it.

Well you learn something new every day. After the blooms faded, it needed a little resting period and then it put on some more buds getting ready to bloom again. I could not believe the second flush of blooms were solid colored. They were purple like the edges only the flowers were all one color, not two colors anymore.

Apparently this happens a lot in bi-color violets. They revert back into the solid color and the leaves change too. If you can find a leaf on it that doesn't have the red coloring on the back, you should propagate it and it will be the bi-color. All the leaves on this now have red veins on them. Well, I really like the color anyway. It's a pretty shade of purpley pink and I don't have another one like it so...

Hmmm.... you think you buy one violet and it turns into another one... surprise!


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