New Baby Violets

A few more plant-lings in the collection. If I'd known the weather would be so hot this past week, I wouldn't have ordered these because although I got them out as soon as they were delivered, they were overheated. But I think they will be alright. You can get them for under two bucks on ebay if you're lucky.

I couldn't help myself. Every time I see a grown version of a baby plant I like, I have to have one. Leaves are fine, but they take too long. I want flowers - and the sooner the better!

You can't get these varieties from the local stores so you have to order them from a grower if you want them or trade leaves with someone. They are Snow Jewel, Mermaid's Kiss, Lil Glimpse O' Spring and Ma's Flammable Water.

I don't usually put groups on trays. I like to keep each plant separate for watering in case one has a water-born virus or bug. Springtails are notoriously passed on through sharing water. The powder on them is diatomaceous earth that I puffed a little too much. I'll eventually brush it off. Gee, I'm going to run out of room. I know I can't have one of every kind. I need to stop now.


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